The New Wild Moon Bhaktas – An evening of chanting & kirtan, Saturday, Nov 19, 2022

Announcing the New Wild Moon Bhaktas debut chanting and kirtan concert

Communal chanting, making music, singing to the Spirit, these turn our souls towards the original creative power.  One glance at that beauty…….

Saturday, November 19, 2022, 7:30-9:30 pm.  At Tula Yoga, 99 Snelling Ave. North.  St. Paul, MN  55104    (

This will be a new incarnation of the Bhaktas: David Schmit, vocals, guitar; Arlys Alford, vocals, harmonium; Adam Wolter, vocals, guitar, cello; Greg Stern, percussion/drums

You are invited!  $15 cash at door. Doors open 7 pm.  Audience limited to first 75 people.  You must be vaccinated.  Stay home if you have symptoms.  Masks recommended; not required.

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  • Upcoming Appearances

    • Saturday, June 22, 2024
      Wild Moon Bhaktas - an evening of chanting, kirtan & spiritual music
      7:30-9:15 pm
      Tula Yoga, 99 Snelling Ave. North
      St. Paul, MN 55104
      $15 cash please, at door
    • Saturday, July 27, 2024
      Wild Moon Bhaktas - an evening of chanting, kirtan & spiritual music
      7:30-9:15 pm
      Tula Yoga, 99 Snelling Ave. North
      St. Paul, MN 55104
      $15 cash please, at door