• Communal Chanting, Kirtan, Spiritual Music


The Wild Moon Bhaktas’ blend of Indian-inspired devotional kirtan, chants in English and Sufi poetry has been known to transport audiences into meditative states and joyful-energized spaces.  Long-time favorites of Minnesota’s Twin Cities’ spiritual community.

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  • Latest Blog Post

    A Time of Transition for the Wild Moon Bhaktas

    As with many musical performance groups, the Covid lockdowns instigated a time of transition for the Wild Moon Bhaktas.   Mentioned in previous blogs were the departures of long time members, Gary Waryan, David Ballman, and Christine Larson.  After years playing with the band, each decided it was time to move on.   We wish them the […]

  • Upcoming Appearances

    • Saturday, June 22, 2024
      Wild Moon Bhaktas - an evening of chanting, kirtan & spiritual music
      7:30-9:15 pm
      Tula Yoga, 99 Snelling Ave. North
      St. Paul, MN 55104
      $15 cash please, at door
    • Saturday, July 27, 2024
      Wild Moon Bhaktas - an evening of chanting, kirtan & spiritual music
      7:30-9:15 pm
      Tula Yoga, 99 Snelling Ave. North
      St. Paul, MN 55104
      $15 cash please, at door
  • Americana Kirtana


  • Rumi’s Don’t Go Back to Sleep


  • Sri Ram Jai Ram Kirtan